Over the past few
months we've really been settling into our new city. It's been a while
since our last blog, so here's an
accumulation of what we've been up to and some photos to go along. Enjoy :)
Lets go back to Christmas time. Momma D came to visit for 5 GLORIOUS days filled with food, wine and lots of snuggle time. Alex's long time friend Sue also came to stay with us over Christmas & New Years. Christmas Eve day we got tickets to see A Christmas Carol at the Kodak Theater w/ John Goodman & Christopher Lloyd and it was a lovely show. We got there early so we could take pictures at the Kodak and on Hollywood Blvd where the stars' stars are and Grauman's Chinese Theater (right next to the Kodak) where the stars' hand & foot prints are. Christmas morning we opened way too many presents (we were spoiled this year) and ate WAY too much food (7 fish dinner on Christmas Eve - well 5 out of the 7 fish and tenderloin roast with potatoes, greenbean casarole, bacon mac n cheese & a bunch of other stuff, eggs benedict & cinnamon rolls for breakfast - yeah we're out of our minds). Lets see.... we also went shopping down Rodeo Drive (and by shopping we mean walking by the stores and staring into the windows). All in all it was one of the best Christmas Holidays EVER!

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