Monday, December 22, 2008

HO HO HO!!!!

Tis the season to miss New England, fa la la la la, la la la WAAAAAAAAH!!! (big loud Lucy cry!). I know folks back home may cringe at this statement, but we are so envious of the snow. There's never snow around Christmas time!... and of course the year we move away, our first Christmas on our own... far away from home, IT SNOWS and we miss it!! DAMIT! Oh well. We'll get it next year.

Everything is going well in gold ol' Woodland Hills. Jobs are going well. Mine is a breeze. Al has been still working loooong looong weeks. Trying to get the last episode done before Christmas, so they don't have to work through the holiday, and of course they got it done - thats how Alex rolls.

Momma D flies in tomorrow afternoon!!! CAN'T FREEKIN WAIT!!! We're going to see a Christmas Carol w/ John Goodman, Christopher Loyd, and Jane Seymour at the Kodak on Christmas Eve- that will be fun. And of course lovely Sue will be joining us as well! We're going to have a sweel old time. Got some cute cafe's and hip restaurants lined up like the Stinky Rose.. oh yeah... AND Alex and I found (well Alex found it) an authentic Portuguese Bakery! We will be all over that! We walked in there the other day just to check it out and I thought to myself , "Hey, it smells like New Bedford in here"... and never before in my life did I think I would ever say that reminiscently. But I did.

Anyway....HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Eat a lot, drink a lot, laugh a lot, love a lot. BIG HUGS AND KISSES TO YOU ALL!!!


Sarah & Alex

P.s. I (Sarah) got a Christmas present from Niel Diamond. HAHA - no lie!

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