Steve and I went 'hiking' about two weekends ago to Brent's Mountain located in Malibu Creek State Park. It peaks at roughly 1,800 feet. The catch is that it's an elevation gain of 1,800 ft. in
under half a mile. I put 'hike' in quotations because it was actually mountaineering--google that. Yeah. I wasn't expecting it either. Thank God Steve is trained in this and has led numerous expedi

tions back on the East Coast. On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most difficult), this hike was rated a 3 by enthusiasts. The first picture is of Brent's Mnt. The red circle is pointing out a 40 foot cross located at the zenith. When we first got out of the car we started laughing hysterically--we were looking for the cross so we knew exactly which mountain to climb and in fact had to get out my binoculars to actually know for sure which mountain it was.

dodging falling boulders, climbing up an open cliff face, getting semi-lost, killing black widows, crawling on our stomachs through thick brush, swinging down 20 ft. on tree branches into ravines, having to use our compass, triggering shale slides....we unfortunately did not make it to the tippy top. Part of climbing is knowing your limitations and most importantly, surviving. There is something humbling in knowing that we surrendered to nature only to go back and give it another try, another day.
Before deciding to call it for the day, I snapped some photos looking west from our final resting place. Just over the mountains in the distance is the Pacific Ocean--just look for the marine layer coming over the mountains. Beautiful right? Imagine what the full 1,800 ft. will look like!
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