Hi all,
MUCH has happened in the past few weeks. And I mean A LOT. I'll try to recap - quick and dirty.
So I got a job 3 weeks ago. I am the new booking coordinator at Venue Coalition. Check us out http://www.venuecoalition.com/. We represent 50 + arena sized venues as a booking facilitator and talent buyer. Cool stuff. I sit in no traffic on my way to work, which looks like a 15 minute drive west. My bills get paid and my insurances is completely covered. :) YAY! I don't have as many responsibilities like I did at Cafe 939, which stings a bit coming from such an intense job, where I was essentially the boss. Everyone knows I'm not happy if I'm not overloaded. But it's a job and it's relevant to my major and my career, AND I am learning some stuff I in fact did not know prior, AND I am exposed to some highly confidential information on different high-profile artists and industry current events. Oh and did I mention it pays the bills? Yeah, right now I'm pretty dam thankful for that. I know there are people out there who are getting laid off and fired left and right with families to support - so there's no complaining here.
Alex is great, job is tough though. LOOOONG HOURS. The man clocked in almost 70 hours last week. And this is how it will be: 2 to 3 weeks in a row he'll work non-stop, no days off, 14 hour days, and by no days off I mean he has had to work through the weekends, consecutively(plurral). And we're learning the more shows they produce, the closer the deadlines, the more they have to work. Just the way it is. Very tiring for him, but it is money:):) Oh and every episode you watch of CSI from last week on out, listen to the music - Alex has worked on it. Hasn't written it of course, but he picks what goes on there, edits it, then the composer writes new stuff over it- so Alex actually has a creative role in what you hear on the show. I think thats cool at least.
Our apartment is coming along sooo nicely! We've managed to paint the studio (our second bedroom). It's an AWESOME green, specificially "gilded pesto". All the furniture and studio equipment is dark dark. As soon as we have a decent camera, we'll put up pictures. Thats our christmas gift to each other - a new camera.
So some things happening in California... lots of current events that are on the front of everyone's mind. First thing-the fires. Yes they are really brutal for the people they are affecting. Fortunately- that is not us. They are close though - 30 miles away roughly. We have soot and ash on our cars every morning. But they are moving toward the ocean and the winds have died down.
Secondly- the election. We (Al and myself) are THRILLED. We were/are Obama supporters and yes I cried watching his speech. I think it's safe to say Californians are really happy about it. There is one thing they are not happy about and how on EARTH this happened I have no idea, but since prop 8 has been passed people are PISSED. And rightfully so. Alex and I are. HOW is the big question. Were people confused whent hey voted? Maybe they thought voting "yes" meant it would not pass or they were voting FOR the GLBT's. Was there a miscounting? - b/c the votes were VERY close. It does not make any sense to declare one group of people equal, granting them the same civil rights as EQUAL citizens, just like the rest of us heterosexuals, and then one day overturn the CIVIL RIGHTS we granted to them. That is saying, "no your not equal, you are lesser than me b/c of a personal choice". In that case then how about we pass a law that stops people from piercing their bodies, or wearing the color yellow - you don't have to do it - it's a PERSONAL CHOICE. It's declaring gays and lesbians as second class citizens which is downright EVIL. It's completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL, UNGODLY, and just plain WRONG. How in the matter of one day we took a GIANT leap forward, and then a GIANT leap backward? - it's just ridiculous. So Al and I are PISSED (clearly), and so are A LOT of people in the area where we live. Everynight since the election, there have been protests all over Los Angeles. And there should be. If everyone could just let go of this need to control everyone else - we'd all be fine.
That being said, who's excited for Thanksgiving? I'm hosting our very first Salex Thanksgiving. Our dear friend Lucas and possibly Erik will be coming over. Any recipie suggestions? I'm going to do the usuual: Ham (per request by Alex), green bean casarole, stuffing, scalloped potatoes, yams, salad, biscutts, and probably some other stuff too.
Oh and some last minute social news ... our good friends Kyle and Kayla, who live down the street from us are expecting their first baby... and ... it's a boy!!! Due April 2, 2009......so I'll have a little baby to spoil soon enough. CONGRATS TO MOMMY AND DADDY!
Miss and love you all,
S & A
Monday, November 17, 2008
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